Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj

A Half Pint Of Gin (And Tonic)

"When her guests were awash with champagne and with gin,
She was recklessly sober, as sharp as a pin.
An abstemious man would reel at her look,
As she rolled a bright eye and praised his last book."

William Plomer (African born English Writer, 1903-1973)

My friend Mel got married on this day and it was a wonderfully low-key affair. They had the ceremony at her parents' house and then the reception/knees up in a pub, that just happened to be around the corner from my flat. How convenient!

I went to give the happy couple my congratulations and raise a glass in their honour and was delighted to receive my gin and tonic in a half pint glass. I don't know if that's because they had run out of highball glasses or if it's standard procedure but I think I'm going to have to go back and find out ;-)

I also have no idea if Mel was recklessly sober but I liked the quote. I'm going to have to investigate this William Plomer chap because another one from him on the same website tickled my fancy too:

"On a sofa upholstered in panther skin
Mona did researches in original sin."

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