AWAY IN THE GALAXY...... mentioned our very looong dry spell sure has finished over the last couple of days!!! 

Being 60 klms off the coast we only had steady (heavy) rain and today around 60mm so far. Some areas on the east coast from northern New South Wales to south coast have had massive seas, gale force wind and up around 200mm of rain. So flood and evacuations, not good.

Had need to assist a friend with making a birthday cake for her son this afternoon, she wanted a Star Wars style, so out flew the millennium falcon!!

Of course being the wet day outside it had to be the blip, and after a bit of tinkering to effect a return back through the galaxy, here we are.

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE

... thanks so much for the kind feedback for yesterday's blip, appreciated  - 
and this makes #take 2 to attempt an upload, internet not that flash!!
... #take 3 size an issue apparently....

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