
By Regine

Where to go?

Thanks so much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts on my blipday yesterday. The photo made the spotlight page, so I consider myself a grown-up blipper from now on :)
Special thanks to the gentleman that got me a beer to celebrate (but I'd rather have a real one, sir :P)

And now, I have a surprise for you all.... I quit blipping! At least, for a while....
I am very susceptible to relatively harmless addictions (my phone, Facebook, chocolate, men, beer, running, coffee), and sometimes these things get a little out of hand. I cannot just have one cookie, I want the whole box (or three). And drinking just one beer? I don't think so :)
Lucky I know myself, and the solution is simple. I have to quit!

Blip prooved to be also a little addictive, but in a good way. Photography opened my eyes, and changed the way I see the world. But lately it has also taken too much time and energy. Time and energy that I need for other things :)

I hope you will enjoy the peace and tranquility. I will see you all in a month, or 23 days maybe, that sounds like a good plan :)

Bye, for now. Or as we say in this part of the world: houdoe!

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