It's strange having no bikes - Walking feels very inefficient !!
Old town Pollenca is divine to
amble around though. So many coffee stops to sit in the shade and watch the world go by. Life has seriously slowed down. Pepped life up later on - walked up to the Maria de Puig sanctuary in the afternoon - a steep climb up cobbled snaking path through forest to an ancient mountain top nunnery abandoned in1537. There is a church and many of the buildings have been refurbished for visitors. You can stay the night in the old hermit cells and eat at the little cafe now - it's a real haven of peace - so people tell us. We had about 100 totally wild school children to share the space with. Think St Trinians - utter noise and total mischief all over . We thought at one point a group of little girls were burying the cat in a hole in the wall, while another swung from the bell. I disturbed a teenage couple having a snog in the church . It was all
Quite exciting and the teachers jUst ignored them - drinking v strong coffees on the terrace. Shear drops everywhere but no obvious fatalities! Except my phone - which I dropped on the toilet floor when a little boy was trying to get into the loo I was using ! Home button not working properly.
Back to our lovely House for showers and quiet time then out for walk around the town and tapas at 22.30 - we're getting into the pace of Mallorcan life. Tonight's gastonomic feast was dates and walnuts wrapped in bacon, pine nut salad and aubergine & pepper casserole. Oh and a beer :0)
Home to settle the food baby with a night time tea in the courtyard star gazing.
Hubs was my star and fixed my phone enough for me to be able to blip and take photos - phew

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