
By Rainshiner


I am no gardener, that is undisputed, but I was blown away to find this incredibly sumptuous velvety rose in our front garden today.

Part of my awe was due to the fact I am rarely even in the front garden other than to bustle past early in the morning, chasing trains, appointments and opportunity; life.

What if life is found in moments like thus. To stop. Breath deeply. Touch. Inhale. Wonder.

This anonymous, breath-taking bloom and I are related.

We share the same Designer, crafted intricately and expertly for His pleasure. Not to do but just to be. Only, and all, of who you really are.

...You : you are so full of beauty and potential though others brush past neglectfully, caught up in their own industrious bluster. You : you are awash with simple, stunning capability for one thing - to be a sign to all, just as you are, that He is.

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