Hong Kong panorama

This is Hong Kong as seen from Princess Margaret Hospital!!! Bonnie is sadly back in the hospital as her wound had gotten infected somehow. Not from something she had done but from the injury itself. So she is now on antibiotics and lots of medication to make sure it is healed completely.

I went to visit her and spent some time with her which was lovely. She is one of the most mobile patients in there as she can walk and get around very easily. THIS is the view from her bed! What a view. You can see Hong Kong port/container terminal in the foreground and Hong Kong island in the background. Lovely.

Back to DB and prep for a BBQ we'd been invited to. Had a lovely evening enjoying a Brazilian BBQ and the company of our friends. The gathering included singing along loudly to golden oldies and dancing. Yes, we got our boogie down. Ben was with us too, memories were made. We all teased him about his upcoming prom/formal evening ;-).

A very lovely Saturday indeed.

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