Christmas in July.
The title, basically. I took loads more better photos of our little kookaburra, but I figure she'll be around all year, and there's only one two Christmases.
It was more of a dinner party than a party party. Just like our last dinner party, I was definitely the youngest by quite a margin, not that that made any difference whatsoever. It's nice to know that "grown ups" who have real people jobs are down to earth human beings as well. It definitely makes the future less worrying.
We did a secret Santa with all 30 something guests - everyone brought a present worth about $10 and left it under the tree. We all took it in turns to open one at random - but - you were allowed to steal anyone else's already opened present instead of opening a new one. The most popular by far were the two nerf guns that kept getting passed around.
I think my highlight was when someone stole a pregnant woman's present. I think it was a nerf gun. I hope I stay that immature / have a lust for nerf guns when I "grow up".
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