Over Yonder

By Stoffel


My Dear Fellow,

I am sure most of our memories fuzz over with time, but some stand out. One is of sitting next to Bokhara Burnes in O'Neill's while someone told us all about an amazing documentary they'd just seen.

As someone who does not follow sport, I was not particularly interested, but as this gentleman warmed to his theme, Bokhara and I becme entranced. This fellow flicked ash from his cigarette then waved the cigarette behind his ear and leaned forward.

"And while Ali is running around the country, being followed by kids chanting his name, George Foreman is back in the gym beating heavy bags over and over until they're bent out of shape."

You had us hooked. I went home and watched that film later that week and it was as amazing as you said and it changed the way I thought about the man.

Ali was, as they say, the greatest. But there are many ways of being great and telling a story well is the greatest of them all.

El Parsones

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