Ultimate Air Dogs...When Dogs Fly

When someone hands you a free Blip pony, I'm going to ride it, and ride it. I returned to the local city that is hosting the carnival...mostly to see the flying dogs.

They had a couple more dogs today, including one that was really a rookie. The young dog would rush to the end of the long dock, but would abruptly stop. It got so bad that the dog's owner jumped in the water (fully clothed), and had to coax the dog in. Funny to watch.

This big boy had no such trouble. He would jump and jump some more. I'm not sure who I enjoyed watching more...the dog flyer, or the handler throwing the toy. She really got into her work, twisting almost as much as the dog.

I may even go again tomorrow. They are supposed to have a lot more dogs show up for the weekend. Perhaps, I'll take my neurotic chihauhau...and see how far Niya Jean can fly.

P.S. You have to watch it when the dogs do the longer jumps. They are getting out there 19-21 feet, and they make a big splash. I missed a lot of the water entry shots...because I was turning away with my camera.

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