Day 5

Friday not Saturday. Something has gone wrong and my ipad has posted my holiday photos one day ahead each time so I will have to lose a day at some point!!
Today the weather has been the hottest yet but with virtually no sun. The humidity remained up in the 90% for most of the day when it wasn't raining! We found a lovely small, deserted bay where we paddled (more Portuguese men o war!) carefully. There was a dark brooding sky and it soaked us as we headed for the ferry. On the way home we passed the island where the Americas Cup boats are being built and tested ahead of next years challenge. They are the most incredible boats. This one had been out on exercise while we waited for the ferry. I rather think we might need to come back next year to watch it for real! (Any excuse!)
Rather hoping for sun and snorkelling tomorrow. Two of the family are going diving on a wreck or reef tomorrow then a picnic is in order with an afternoon on the beach. Last day with my friend - must make the most if it.
More guesses please!

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