Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Five go mad on drugs ...

Only joking ...... Just mad .. Although we all did have a can of red bull,which is the same as 478grams of cocaine or there abouts ...

Holiday summary ...
1.no one looks good in a wetsuit
2.it will never get boring peeing in the wetsuit ....
3.farts in a tent ARE funny when the neighbouring tent start laughing .
4.Mr W punched me in the face .. He said accident ... Hmmmmmmm
5. Two large rum'n'raisin ice creams in luxury cones are never enough ..
6.you can never own enough flip flops..
7.I wish I had some chloroform to put people to sleep in food queues.. Apparently it's frowned upon ...
8.how ... HOW do women pee on toilet seats ? The toilets at Staunton sands are the work of the devil AND filthy bints !!!
9. I don't like Cornish or any other counties pasties ... You can stick them.

The end.

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