Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Cousin and hubby

Very early start to put my cousin and her husband on a train to go back to Gatwick and then onwards to Canada. Even though they have only been with us for 3 days, and I haven't seen her for 40 years (never met him), we all got in really well and had a lovely time. :)

Lovely meal out last night with my sister and cousin/hubby, resulted in a late night to bed (and full tummy!). Consequently, extreme lack of sleep today. Not helped by having a 3 hour workshop this morning ....

Sad to say goodbye to my cousin and hubby thus morning, but it has got us thinking about visiting our family in Canada, sooner rather than later. Need to get our sons wedding over and our cruise before we think about it :)

Trip to pa-in-law, still in hospital and they are talking about discharge possibly on Monday. Visit again on Sunday.


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