The Lone Ranger

At work this morning, then home, then a far too long journey to Mum and Dad's (M6 awful, and around Coventry all those Bruce Springsteen fans cause everything to come to a standstill). But we got here. Good chat this evening.

Like the Queen, my Dad is having two 90th birthdays this year.

No blip today. But the room in the B&B* we are staying in has this curiosity on the wall. I haven't seen the Lone Ranger, Tonto and the faithful horse Trigger*since the 1960's. I can remember coming home from school and watching the programme, and the last part of Rossini's William Tell overture will be forever the theme music. It's all part of my childhood.

Weather report - sunny and 21 degrees when we left home. Overcast and a mizzle here, and 13 degrees. Somehow the wrong way around.

* Correction - Silver, of course. How could I have forgotten that

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