
By DancingAly


Little B, taking a sneaky nap on Little Ro's bed :-) He should well be resting, for a huge weight of expectation has been placed upon his furry shoulders. We have a rat in my parents back garden. My mum spotted it the other day in the rain. Nobody else saw it until it ran across the back of the garden for the second time. I hate rats. 

Little B, however, is a JRT cross. That makes him a ratter! As designated/official rat catcher he's been totally useless thus far. We've been out and poked the hedges with sticks, shrieked at him to "get the rat!", and yet all he appeared with was a small and much wanted stick :-) Oh Little B! 

I'm sure in time he'll have some success- in the meantime I shall be avoiding the garden....

The house has been full of such words of encouragement for B this week    "Every dog has its day" and "this is his moment to shine!".

Meanwhile, he's strategising napping upstairs....;-)

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