On Da Buses

It remains windy but the sun has been shining all day, warm too :)  

I spent the morning working upstairs in the office.  After lunch I was down in the museum for the afternoon.  It's been a steady day with visitors.  I'm on again this evening I  the museum to cover holidays, it's been a busy night too.  Hopefully finish early.

I went for a lunchtime walk about Scalloway and plenty of classic cars everywhere you go, the classic car show is on this weekend :)  It's usually the minis that get all of my attention but this old Grampian bus caught my eye.  Double decker buses aren't common in Shetland, maybe it's the wind :)  Although there used to be one based in Scalloway.  And spot the Morris Minor passing too :)  Taken on Main Street, Scalloway. 

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