Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


Those of you who are old enough (not me) will know the meaning of this word, The Boss says. For those of you who don't Myst was one of the earlier adventure games that The Boss used to love and he never actually completed it but loved the concept and mystical music that played in the background. Read about it here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myst
The Boss has read somewhere that it has resurfaced as an App so there may be a quieter replacement for Angry Birds in the offing sometime.
This image would be just the thing for that game. It would require you to identify components and therefore move on to other adventures.
This morning we (The Boss and ME) were en-route to The Mount for a bounce (I bounce...The Boss staggers) around the loop track and I spotted this happening out in the lake, from my spot in the back of Suzz and woofed. It is caused by the lake being a lot warmer than the air (-2c) and the early morning sunlight striking the rising mist, and had it not been happening you would be seeing water in the lake.
Having identified this we moved on to other adventures which included the bouncing and staggering mentioned above and the really nice bit later when "dups" of Fuzzy's Journal on Blip, attended the DIG group coffee morning. (Local photo group)
Check it out large and count the ducks.

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