Silvery Shimmers

All was quiet on the estuary today, shimmering water as the tide was coming in and clouds drifting by in the not so gentle breeze - it was freezing!!
But it did look pretty and Mum and I took time to savour.

I'm home again, all is quiet and another stage in life for Hubby and I - Daughter E, our baby, has left home to go flatting, shes very excited and I'm feeling excited for her to....but, theres always a but, it is so quiet round here and at times I'm feeling a little lost. I'm almost willing the garden to wake up pronto so I can be busy.

Hubby and I had an awesome time away, many photos were taken, sunrises to be seen, lots of exploring, coastal flowers flowering, native birds singing - it was amazing!! Back blips will be coming but perhaps in a day or two, we'll see how things go.

Its great to be back, hope your all doing well and I'm looking forward to catching up with your journals over the next day or so :)

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