
The hot weather continued today, refreshed by short shower. I had a walk with Susanna, lunch with Pia, went to see Mari Oikarinen's and Liisa Karintaus' exhibition at the Art Center Mältinranta, took Emma to a masseur, went to shop new running shoes to Emma and had a dinner at Vaakon nakki with hubby and Emma. 

In the picture is the oldest building of Finlayson cotton mill, called Kuusvooninkinen or TR1 (Tehdasrakennus 1). Completed in 1837, Finlayson's six-storey factory building, called Kuusvooninkinen is the most significant monument of Finnish industrial history. It was the first building designed for large-scale industry, where halls had no partitioning walls. Instead, the intermediate floors were supported by cast iron pillars. Today, Kuusvooninkinen is a protected building

The tower (Porrastorni TR 1c ) was built in 1870's, there were stairs, toilets and sprinkler systems. During the war the tower was used as an air surveillance tower.

+24°C, partly cloudy + short shower

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