Not so close...
So yesterday I shot a snake with a macro lens and today I've shot a damselfly with a telephoto lens. What on earth is wrong with me???
Actually, I tried to get some shots of these very skittish Ebony Jewelwing damsels with the macro today, but I could never get closer than 2-3 feet. I finally gave up and got the 300 out and used it, with a 1.4 TC. Not super crisp, but it will do for today.
These large damsels are prevalent in our garden every spring - the males, seen here, are a gorgeous dark turquoise-blue with ebony wings. They have a slow, fluttery flight and I suspect they will find their way into the bellies of swallows should the latter decide to nest in our garden. That's nature.
Speaking of...there were a couple of rather disconcerting signs of nature at work when I strolled the property today. In the front yard, I found about 1.5 feet of what was left of a Black Rat Snake. I guess I wasn't aware we had them around the property. It had obviously been gotten by something - my guess would be the fox family although it could as easily have been a raptor, raccoon, skunk or possom. What puzzles me is why they didn't eat the whole snake. Then, in back, I found two piles of feathers - one from a mourning dove and the other, sadly, from a gray catbird. Obviously, a hawk has been having some success in the back yard. However, I remind myself that the hawks are all feeding babies now too, and their first year survival rates are quite low.
I met up with a friend for lunch today - we laughed and talked and just had the best time, lingering over a yummy lunch of salmon and salad. Very nice catching with her.
The Squirrel Twins were both in the deck feeder today, little scamps. And one of the more brazen chippies made its way onto the deck, too. At least there were no bears in evidence.
The chickadees fledged yesterday - I don't expect I'll see them for a few weeks, as the parents usually keep them well hidden. Both the swallows and bluebirds were around the yard today, checking out the box in the garden as well as the now-vacant chickadee box in front. Things are looking good...
Two more pics in Flickr, if you'd care to have a look:
Chippie, making off with a peanut
The first assassin bug of the season
Thanks for all the love on my snake yesterday! I know snakes aren't everyone's cup of tea, but they are really quite fascinating.
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