Blue sky and buttercups

I cannot get over the blue sky and sunshine. We have hardly seen the sky in the south for the last few days and certainly very little in the way of sunshine. This has never happened before; we usually arrive back from fine weather to rain.

No point trying to go anywhere today. Yesterday we did over 6 hours driving and, although the M25 was slow, we never really came to a standstill the whole way . . . until 5 minutes from home. The road from Appleby was chaos - horses, people, vehicles of all kinds - everywhere. There were several points where we just could not get through and had to wait until some obstacle was (reluctantly) moved. Most perturbing of all was coming across three guys returning from the pub - on horseback and all over the road - scary!
Today has been 'moving in day' when they are all allowed onto the Fairfield. Fortunately we are far enough away not to see any of this process, but we know that all roads would have been totally blocked and probably still are.
And why would I want to go anywhere anyway, when I can just walk down the lane and see this - a few minutes from home.
A little addition to yesterday's blip - for anyone interested.
In 1868, Lewis Carroll, or Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, acquired the lease of 'The Chestnuts,' a house not far from the castle in Guildford. It was really for his six unmarried sisters to live in as he was still living in Oxford where he was a mathematics tutor. But he did spend a lot of time in Guildford and it was in this house that he completed 'Through the Looking Glass'. He died in Guildford in 1898, but his sisters continued in the house for a while after that. There is a lovely little garden with a sculpture of Alice close to the house, but the one I blipped is down by the river.

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