tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Neither fish nor fowl

Don't panic! One of the chicks has not had an accident or been crushed underfoot although this fuzzy shape in the bark chippings does bear a disturbing likeness. I did a double take myself before I recognised the slime mould Fuligo septica, or a close relation. (The daisy is just  for scale.)

I've blipped these curious organisms before here and here. Slime moulds are neither plants nor algae nor fungi; they're in a category of their own, the  Myxomycetes, having much in common with  large amoebae. They can creep, feed (on wood or other plant material) and they change shape, colour and consistency as they mature. This one usually comes to resemble scrambled egg or dog's vomit.

(Casey wishes it to be known that he is not implicated in this occurrence in any way.)

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