biking bullis

We had a great day out biking from Buxton to Bakewell on the trails. I feel so blessed to have so many trails nearby, it makes getting out with preschoolers a whole lot easier. Even more blessed to have Mr B who manages to set up all the bikes and then transport said preschoolers down the trails like a Daddy action man (while I'm huffing and puffing behind them, sweating buckets and trying not to cycle into anyone).

It was a great impromptu day off together but there was a definite low point for Eve - about 2 miles out of Bakewell, she was all of a sudden hysterically crying due to feeling cold and being convinced that we'd never get there and never have lunch. One of those moments where work sounds more fun than being on a grand old day out with the family and I wasn't sure what to say. Then to top it off she hurt her hand and as I gave it a magic rub I realised those hands were basically ice blocks! But she rallied, persevered and got on with it and we made it to Bakewell where we all warmed up and picnicked. There was then a hairy moment for me..... I'm not a fan of Canadian geese and Zeke (who is shorter than most geese) was trying to hand feed one and jump on its back for a ride. I had to do that thing where you pretend you're oh so chilled about all the lovely nature but back away from said nature while trying to explain that geese don't generally want to be cuddled or ridden by children.

I was convinced I'd be cycling back along the trail alone to fetch the car but Eve was happy to give it a whirl (with new gloves and a kids buff thing to keep her toasty - oh and the promise of a gigantic hot chocolate at Hassop Station cafe). And we made it without any further drama, phew!

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