Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat


I heard a bit of a commotion outside the living room this afternoon and to my surprise there were Josie and Schooner.  They had decided to come over for a visit from next door.  They are both beautiful dogs and to be honest, I didn't mind one bit.  I had to take this image with one of our iPhones through the window so apologies for the quality of the image.
I think it's wonderful that they have figured out that the Billabong is a pretty cool sort of watering hole.  It wasn't long before our young neighbours were calling out for them, so I had to confess they had escaped to Wombat Hollow.  

Tiny Tuesday #53
Thanks so much to all of you for your very kind comments about Tiny Tuesday.  It has been a real team effort to keep the challenge going and I'm sure I'll be able to convince many of you in the coming weeks to put your hat in the ring to have a go at hosting.  This is the way we can sustain what has become a very popular weekly challenge.  I'll be working my way through all of the entries (well over 100 so far) and will post my selection with my blip on Friday.  Thanks for making such a sensational effort this week when we celebrate the start of our second year of Tiny Tuesday.  

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