
The Boss put on extra layers and found he didn’t need them as we did the first sortie into Vivid territory tonight.
 The “lighting of the sails”  is now an expected annual event but the creative effort that went into it was superb. You had to be ready and he was really pleased to get this image. The place was over run with blokes with tripods…Didn’t see any Sheelaghs and it was all total fun.

So The Boss is up in the Opera House steps and this bloke with a BIG tripod and LARGE camera is looking at his viewscreen.
“What ISO are you using” , he asked.
“800”, says The Boss.
“I use 64”, say the bloke and because of the size of his camera and gear  The Boss recognised this as a complete send up so answered
“WOW” are you shooting film?”

I don’t think that was what he had expected to hear.
Of course for the technical amongst us this image was 1.1 seconds at ISO 800 and would have been many seconds at ISO 64 and would not have been captured at all 'Cos it didn't stay there that long...Sigh...

Tonights extra attracted him because of the great compositional lines.



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