family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

Jab day :(

So today was the dreaded day, Caleb's injection day. These nurses so shouldn't keep leaving me in the room on my own. The injections are in the top of the pic, and my peaceful prince is blissfully unaware of what is about to happen.

Took him to the clinic first to get him weighed. So at 8 weeks he now weighs 13lb 3oz. Erin didn't way that until 16 weeks ;) he did give us some great entertainment though as he laid on the scales her pee'd everywhere, and all over another mums feet, who by the way didn't have a sense of humour!
So next was the injections. 2 of them, one in each leg. And the poor thing sobbed his heart out. It was horrible, he had tears and everything.

It was still very hot when we got back and Erin jumped in the paddling pool, fully clothed. So mum striped her off to get her dry clothes on and she did a runner, so we had a naked toddler running around in the sun ;)

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