
Distance walked: several miles
Distance drove : 250
3 chairs. 1 cocktail cabinet. 1 rug. 1 chaise long delivered back to Argyll. I only kept the cabinet. Gave rest to someone who really needed them more than me. Deliveted to her house which was at the arse end of nowhere! She in return asked if i would oblige by doing a dump run. My van now contains 2 fridges. 1 huge tv. 3 broked hoovers. 4 hamster cages. 1 broked lamp and 2 bird cages. All of this crap came from a shed inhabited by bloody birds so now my van reeks of bird shit!
Almost midnight and im home with the biggest glass of sloe gin ever. Add to that of the Tarbert rd being resurfaced so was closed so had to go in a huge convoy along a single track rd!!! Today would have been my mum's 87th birthday.

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