Fresh air

clearly went to my head, as I went for a walk and ended up being out for just over an hour and walking just over 4 miles.  But OH! How glorious it was to zone out, with my headphones in, listening to Prince (and the revolution, the NPG and 3rdEyeGirl), resisting the urge to sing out loud (because NOBODY, absolutely NOBODY, deserves to hear that) and smiling at people (including our local PCSOs).

Yes, I was absolutely wiped out when I got home and I lounged on the sofa for a couple of hours, drinking tea and stopping just short of falling asleep.  I have no doubt I will ache tomorrow.

But, for that hour, I didn't feel dizzy, or nauseous, or in pain, or angry or anxious.  (the effect wasn't permanent, but it was a start).  I think when I can do that and not feel the urge to climb into bed and go to sleep immediately afterwards, then I will be ready for a return to the mainstream world!

James is currently educating me in the way of "Catfish and the bottlemen" ahead of tickets for their November concert tickets being released on Friday...he is very lucky that we share similar tastes in music and comedy!

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