In the morning I had worked a bit in the garden. And read in my book: Hans Richter by Hans Richter. Such an interesting book. I have a faint idea that I have read it once, a long time ago, but now I read it with even more interest.
After lunch we drove to Helmarshausen, there started our walk along the Diemel. At a certain point I saw the damselflies, there were so many, but I could not take one photo because they sat not still and if they did they flew away as I approached.
It was a wonderful walk, except the sudden appearing of hay feever of Piet Hein. We walked amidst high grass!
On our way back I spotted a damselfly that let me come near and later even another one.
My picture shows the banded demoiselle, calopteryx splendens.
My extra is a tiny butterfly I saw at the beginning of our walk. Perhaps I can identify this one later.

WWombat's celebration for one year completed of Tiny Tuesday challenge, I am glad to offer this photo.

My haiku:

Take a rest and wait
For me to admire your wings
Banded demoiselle

And the proverb:

He/She has bought a brush.

1813  Ray, 56.  He/she has run away.


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