Personification of Celebrations

I am a big fan of Tiny Tuesday and this week’s challenge is “Celebrations”
These cuff links were given to me for my 13th birthday – my bar mitzvah, by my Godparents.
I also wore them 12 years later at my wedding (see here if you are interested).
My parents had known my parents in law in the 1930s and 40s and several years before the Big Day, we worked out that my Godfather was also the Godfather of my bride.
So it was appropriate that he should make the omnibus speech at the wedding.
To this day, I wear the cuff links on special occasions.
The coins used to make the cuff links are Kruger ½ pond (Dutch ½ pound) gold coins, dated 1896 and showing the face of Paul Kruger, the President of the fledgling South Africa.
The coins are the precursor of the now famous Krugerrands.
Unfortunately, whoever made them, soldered the chain links to the coins thus defacing them and rendering them useless to a collector, but worth their weight in gold.


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