My birthday

No 2 son Facetimed from NZ this morning - rather earlier in the morning than planned which was a bit of a surprise - just need to get a handle on the time difference.  We had a good chat and heard all about his journey there and his first few days.  He also showed us around his accommodation and that really helps me set it in context.  He had had lunch with my brother and his family who live nearby and I am glad that No 2 son has them to call on if he needs help.

No 1 son left after breakfast for his journey south.  We have had a good few days and he is planning to return in August for another visit.  He loves it here and it would be great if he could move here at some point.  It suits him.

Dad phoned to wish me a happy day and was surprised the weather was good.  I have had lots of lovely cards and presents.  Lucky girl.

We also Facetimed with Santana's son, wife and baby.  Good to see them and chat too.  Baby is growing fast and is very alert.  We will be seeing them next weekend which will be good.

We spent most of today in the garden tidying up which was very satisfying and we managed to fill both green bins with grass and weeds.  Gardens are lovely this time of year.

Happy day.

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