Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Scratch Art?

Some very kind folk like to refer to graffiti as "street art". I suppose (then) this must be "scratch art" although in such matters I am not especially kind, I am afraid. The local council has provided clear glass panels for shelter spaces at several local bus stops and railway stations but certain persons have seen fit to deface them. When you look at the obvious effort that was put into this vandalism you might well wonder what might have been accomplished if such energy had been committed to something worthwhile.

Despite myself however, with the sun fully behind it, this small patch of scratching has something almost appealing to it ... or am I just so used to it all that I am beginning to lose all perspective? "Ahem .... this artwork exhibits the essence of creative brutality. Observe the clever lines behind the principal counterpoint, accentuated by the ... blah blah ..."

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