Monday mishaps ...

Sorted out the cows and calves that I bought on Thursday and ran them out to a field. Was about to start on the bulling heifers when the fencers came in to say they had knocked in a post through a water main pipe down the road.
After a visit from Scottish Water or Business Stream or what ever they call themselves these days we managed to turn off the valve . However the pipe was after the meter so classed as private and supplies a neighbouring farm. It was a 3 inch asbestos pipe so scrounged a digger , man and some water fittings from another neighbour and we had it running again by mid afternoon.
On the bright side, we now know where the pipe is plus a blue plastic one that supplies a different farm running along side it.
Eventually got the 2 loads of heifers carted down to the field by tea time.
The extra shows all the film vehicles as they are busy filming at Arniston house for the new  Churchill movie.

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