Tattie Protection

A bank holiday for me and the haar didn’t lift till the middle of the afternoon.  We now have a lovely evening, but we have had a pretty grim day.  I took BB to school and had plans for a walk, but it was cold and damp.  Ever hopeful that it would clear, I hung two loads of washing out in the mizzle.  I then went in search of plants we didn’t get yesterday, but no luck – I did at least see that the haar was well in all over East Lothian.

By lunchtime I sensed it was a little bit brighter, so drove to East Linton and walked along the John Muir Way to the John Mur Country Park – the sun was out by the time I got there and there was at last a hint of blue sky.  I would have walked further, but had promised BB that I would pick him up earlier than normal tonight, so just retraced my steps to East Linton.  Everything looked so much nicer in the sunshine.

BB wasn’t in a good place tonight.  He was struggling with his maths homework – fractions.  My explanation seemed to bear no resemblance to the methodology they are using at school.   Spelling took him into a deeper spiral of despair.  No reading thankfully.  Cello practice brought him back to himself, that and the crispy crème donut he talked me into buying in the supermarket.  Never having tasted one before, I thought I might get a bite – but no luck!

These WWII anti-tank barriers are strategically placed to protect this field of tatties.  I like the lines of the tattie drills.  I saw other pleasing lines in fields on my walk – see extras.

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