Inspired by images of exotic creatures
I opted (well actually spent money) to try this out for myself this weekend on the `exotic macro experience'. Not as easy as it looks, especially when one of the group hogs the prime `shooting' spots. Actually most people in the group cooperated as, for example, when one of our fellow group members lifted the skull that this Leopard Gecko had chosen to hide under. The creatures were well cared for and each one didn't spend too much time out on display - no creatures were harmed in this photo shoot, unless they were grubs, in which case they were probably fed to the toad at some time later in the day! We weren't using studio flash, but various LED lighting set-ups, which were very effective, though sometimes the reflective surfaces of shells, or places where water had been sprayed set up some glare.
It was a good day and I'll probably not do it again, unless I can find a set-up where there is more opportunity to be in control of the shooting conditions - a great experience.
Ann had been to spend the day with a friend while I was otherwise engaged and she met me at the venue at 4.30. The walk back to the train was very welcome after being inside for most of the day (London was very warm) and our train journey home was trouble free (well apart from a few Sheffield Wednesday fans who were returning home and tried to entertain us with their chorus - not quite the same as when we were travelling down - they couldn't sing for starters). Barnsley won their Wembley championship play off :-) unlike Sheffield who lost, but the Barnsley fans who'd made it onto our train carriage were quiet and well behaved. We hadn't anticipated that the weekend would be dominated by two local football clubs going to Wembley when we booked our weekend away!
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