Change in colour....

Later today Flynns tongue wasn't this lovely pink colour but rather an orangey red colour.

I took the dogs up to my mum and dads this afternoon to drop them off for their holiday.... (we're going on ours tomorrow!.... Had I not mentioned it....?) Anyway.... I was there for about half an hour sitting in the garden with my mum and dad when Flynn came over for a pat and I noticed his tongue was a strange colour.
First thoughts was it was blood and feared that something awful was happening inside.....

Then on closer inspection I could see his chin hairs had a little of the same colour on them so figured maybe he'd eaten something... But couldn't for the life of me think what it could be. There was no external blood or anything.

I started to Google to see if it was maybe something specific..... Then i noticed him licking his paws and went over to check his paws thinkin he'd maybe stood in something, but when I got over to him I saw it wasn't his paws he's was licking ... But the grass...
I shouted to my mum if she had put food or something out there for the birds and she shouted back no but we've put fertiliser down on the grass......
That's it...... That's why his tongue is a funny colour, he's been licking it.

Lordy.....I didn't know how much he'd swallowed or how dangerous it was. (if at all) Just about to head off for nightshift... Heading off on holiday the next day..... Couldn't just leave him without getting him checked over...
So quick rummage for the bag and call to the vet... They asked me to bring him in do they could contact the experts on poisons and see what they needed to do.
Part of me thought he'd probably be fine..... But I really didn't want to risk it and I'd never forgive myself if a few hours later he began to suffer or worse....

Took him down and the nurse said cos we'd reacted so early then making him sick would probably do the trick.
Then a vet came in with a book and looked up some of the contents and came to the conclusion that the stuff that he'd swallowed would probably give him sickness and diarrhoea and a tender butt... ! And making him sick wasn't necessary.

Panic over!

Felt so relieved and I know I would have worried myself sick if I hadn't taken him.

He's back up at my mums now.... (not allowed on the grass!) and hopefully he'll not have any accidents on their carpets!! :O

Alls well that ends well!

Off on holiday tomorrow.... Did I tell you...??

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