Campervan Kid

By Campervankid


Picked up another 'Steven' today. Love this time of year, but can be a bit frustrating when people just want you to 'get rid of the gulls from the garden'. Sadly this little guy had fallen too far and I couldn't get him back up into the nest or on a safe flat roof near to the nest. He will now start his long journey of rehab with us, would have much rather left this to his parents they would do a far better job, but not always possible.

Day was not quite as crazy as I thought it would be. Work came in at a steady pace, no dogs in hot cars (if I was more naive I would think the message had finally got though....) and finished in good time having done everything I really wanted to do today.

Tomorrow is the first bank holiday of the year I'm not working, going to make the most of it. Wines open and the beer has already gone down nicely

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