Twisted Tulip


The day started off okay, but I had a quick walk round the garden in case the weather changed later on and I liked the way this tulip was bending as it aged (a bit like me really!) 

Unfortunately, things went downhill later in the day when I started to get very odd chest pains for no obvious reason.  Eventually I rang my GP's surgery for advice and was told I must ring 999 immediately, as this was the NHS policy with unexplained chest pain.

An ambulance arrived very quickly and after an initial assessment I was taken to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, with my frantic husband following behind in the car.  No sirens or flashing lights, thank goodness, but a steady 60 mph most of the way there.

I went first to the worryingly-named Resuscitation Area, where a lovely young doctor did his best to reassure me while he carried out a string of tests on me (heart traces, x-ray, blood samples, BP etc) at the end of which he decided it would be best to keep me in overnight, so that a second blood test could be done 6 hours later.  My husband wanted to stay as long as possible, but I sent him home at 11.30 pm, as there was nothing further he could do.

There followed the inevitable sleepless night in a mixed bay (4 men and 2 women), with the second blood test happening in the middle of the night.  In my rush to be ready for the ambulance, I had just thrown a few overnight essentials in a bag, but completely forgot to take a phone or iPad or even a book.  So the next 24 hours were the longest of my life:-)

More on the story on Saturday ....... (if you haven't nodded off by now!)

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