
In the old days, 1920's, this is how you bought your oil, in bottles. 
My brother in law, Andy, had a few knocking around and thought I might like one as a novelty item in the garage. It's a great bottle, and they fetch a fair price nowadays. Some on ebay, with an original crate of 8, are going for up to £600.
I shall be taking care of this, wouldn't sell it myself but it might be a little investment for a future generation.

Andy is also a songwriter and I've put some of his music on Youtube.

It's been a busy week with the visitors, the big party last weekend and Fiffi and Neil popping in now and again. They came yesterday evening and we had a chinese with a few others invited as it was their last night in Gloucester. They are spending a couple of days in London before jetting back off to Tasmania on Wednesday night.
It's been lovely seeing all of those sisters together, and I found out why Yvonne is called Fiffi. When Mikki was a toddler she couldn't say Yvonne, it came out as Fiffi and it stuck. Same with us, we call Julia 'Lulu' and that is because there is only 10 months between Johanna and Julia and Johanna used to say Lulu instead of Julia.

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