a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Love at first sight

A lovely Bank Holiday Sunday - no prospect of work tomorrow and the sun is shining.  There's cold beer and wine in the fridge for later, the grass is mown, the bread is proving and I've even got a shot in the can for my blip.

It is a very nice day :-)

I've upped the ante in my bread making stakes.  Today is my first attempt at sourdough.  I've had my starter culture going for about a week now, and its looking and smelling good.  I made the poolish starter yesterday evening, and have been following the recipe rigorously ever since. I suspect that my dough should perhaps have been a little wetter, but we shall see.  At the moment I am mid-way through the final prove, following which it will be time to bake, and then ... the moment of truth!

... I'm not expecting the bread to work particularly well on the first attempt, but a journey starts with that first small step...

I'm off to laze in the sunshine now, with my acoustic guitar, I shall be catching up on blip a bit later on and look forward to seeing your journals then.

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