What a great day! I went along to Ramsbottom with Georgina for the 1940s day. Most of it was centred around the station and it was a photographers paradise...colour, costumes, steam trains and people. We mingled and snapped away, chatting with people, toe tapped to the music, sang along with the singers and totally seeped ourselves in the whole event. 

As the steam train thundered out of the station we headed off for a little snackette, before returning to the station for more. A train was due to arrive to take hundreds of people to Rawtenstall for a re-enactment. We didn't have time to get the train and then catch one back, so we jumped in the car....steam against petrol....and raced to Rawtenstall. 

We arrived in time to get a fabulous position opposite the platform for the battle of Germans against the allies. There was smoke, there were bangs, there was gunfire, there was shouting, there were dramatic 'deaths'....AND there was a Spitfire flypast. Oh, it was absolutely brilliant. We loved it. 

I have hundreds of was so hard to choose one, but I loved the cartridge case flying off the gun in this one. 

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