Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Senior Moments

It took me ages to arrive at Jim's house tonight. Despite the fact that I have been at the house loads of times, I got lost 4 times. ) I was able to take some good shots of trees as the sun went down - during the many moments in laybys waiting to do a U turn.....

I ended up at one point down a country lane facing an old church. On doing my 3 point turn (O.K. 7 point), I nearly ran over a grave stone.

The worst senior moment, however, was when I had unpacked the car and was heading back to the house. I was almost in the front door, and was thinking "I don't remember Jim and Liz having so many pot plants in the porch", when I realised that I was about to enter the wrong house.
53 years old.
Practising for decreptitude......

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