Just the Withers......

By JaneW

My blip mojo may be returning ...

I've not forced myself to go looking for photos .... However .. Camping season is almost upon us (starts Monday ) and I know you lot like a good camping tale from myself and Tits McGee .... Never forget it's an endless round of blocked toilets and peeing yourself in McDonalds because your friend farts and makes the man sat behind you jump so high he spills his coffee and burns his man parts ...
Plus the badly made dog poo bags ,wayward badgers and men with no teeth who fancy us ...
THEN there is the being flooded out of ones campsite .. Not to mention killer seagulls and the kids buying lifelike 'toy' cigarettes and showing us up something chronic ..ahhhh yes,roll on Monday ....

PS... Rats are settling in well ....

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