Yet another boat!

Popped into Dunstaffnage this afternoon as I hadn't had a chance for a picture earlier. Dunstaffnage Castle was built around 1220 by Duncan MacDougall, the son of Earl Somerled, known also as the ‘King of the Isles’.

On the same peninsula is what is known locally as the Marine Lab, officially the Scottish Association for Marine Science, or SAMS. Down beside the old castle is the jetty where SAMS keeps their research ship, RV Calanus. Here she is moored at the jetty, with Oban Airport over the water at Connel.

Originally built during WW2 as RAF Connel, the runway is said to be long enough to land Concorde, should she ever wish to visit. She didn't. I did though - my family bought me a flying lesson for my 65th birthday!

My extra today is a rather bad picture of the castle, topped by one of those horrible white skies!

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