Firstly let me thank you all so much for all the stars and hearts yesterday as I was thrilled to find my starlings are the first photo on page 2 of Popular. Totally thrilled.
Well today has been dull, cold and windy (what's new), Daisy and I went to the care home where all the residents were wanting to cuddle her, she was a very good girl and loved all the attention. Did my weekly shopping, then did more hedge cutting, and then off to the loch for a dog walk, lots of juvenile swans on the loch, most were chasing each other. My blip was one of the chases. Not much else to blip, there was a heron, but it was too far away.
My extra is just a photo taken this afternoon of the front of my house, thought you might like to see the front as you have seen the back garden.
Have a lovely bank holiday one and all.

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