Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


Are those tears I see
Shed in memory of me
Are those full dark eyes
The fault of my demise
Please my love do not weep
For in your heart you keep
A part of me, a memory
A waking smile, a reverie
From that time hand in hand
Our knowlege we did expand
Exploring each other's ways
In front of fire ablaze
Letting passion's heat soar
As burning logs did roar
'Till sleep would victims claim
And neither would the other blame
For mornings woken running late
Bodies and bed in disheveled state
Smiles invoking Mona's envy
Giggles at frenzy's memory
This, this, is the part of me
That remains now my body's gone
This is the me that lives on
This is our us that can never die
This is the sun in a blue sky
Parting the black clouds of despair
Enveloping you in perfume fair
Of blossom ablaze in Summer bright
Replacing tears with delight
As recollections draw around
So suddenly, subtly to astound
And laughter once an enemy drear
Rings out unbridled and so clear
So dry those eyes my sweet divine
This is your point, your sand line
Step forward, step on over
Be glad for me my forever lover
Hold my memory to your heart
Remember! We will never now be apart

Terry Rhiannyr
July, 2012

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