Early Bird Catches the Walk/Run

I dragged myself out of bed at 5:45am this morning. Little B has been held hostage for two days without a walk, and I knew the only person who was going to do it would be me. Little Ro is to tired, and spends the day asleep....

Anyways. I toyed with idea of not going, but I knew it was going to be beautiful, so I made myself go. And the little furry person was a bit surprised but nevertheless delighted to be bustin' out! 

And it was so worth it. It was unbelievably peaceful, and I was so glad I made the effort. Little B dandled along happily beside me, and I kept taking pictures. We whispered good morning to the only two other dog walkers we saw out this morning, and we were back home by 6:30am. I made breakfast, and B got back in his dog bed. I think I peaked too soon, as I began to feel a bit weary myself just as I began to get ready.

An ok day school wise. Well apart from the military-style operation happening next door. I can't work like that! We pace ourselves, and have fun. They're only five, they have another ten years of academia ahead of them.

I had a nice chat with a few ladies from work after school, some of which i don't ever really get to talk to. It was nice, and we sat in my room, talking about big stuff- relationships, children, life. And it was quite comforting. I was a bit surprised as usually I think they all hate me! 

I'm having a funny week. Still thinking of Tim a lot. We were talking about nicknames this morning, and a little boy raised his hand to tell me his nicknames were "Tim" and "T". Didn't help me so I had to hurry up and move on. 

I don't know why it's playing on my mind so much this last few weeks. I feel pretty empty. I don't want to feel like that again. Work distracts me, and that's not a bad thing. But there's SO much more to life than just this. I had a lot, and I lost it all. I'm not going to feel good about that for a long time yet. 

In the meantime, I'm enjoying a song by a couple of my favourite artists(?) that was recommended to me. I like the lyrics. It makes me think of the past though. Heading Up High

Why am I always there when it's too late? 

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