Oldgroaners Phone&Compact

By Oldgroaner

The Most Beautiful Car ever made.

And incredibly these words were spoken  by Enzo Ferrari! I spotted this left hand drive beauty in a lay by when nearly home..
Two others quotes from those far off days I remember
Frank Sinatra saw one for the first time..
"I want one of those and I want it right now!"
And one lady described it as
"The most Erotic thing ever created in Steel"
When you think it came out in 1961 when Daimler Darts and other traditional sports cars appeared too, it seemed like the motoring world had been invaded by an advanced alien civilisation...
Added to that it cost £1500 which was half the price of a Ferrari or Maserati, no wonder Enzo was shocked and it made him make the comment "What has happened to the English????"
Alas as we all know it was a "one off" and has never happened again, much as lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice.

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