a town called E.

By Eej

LLDomo Kun

Little did he know when he came home with me, Domo, that one day the ladies would fight over him. I'm sure, based on the position of the paw, that he appreciates that Kitty doesn't have her claws* any more though.

Is it Friday yet? I'm so tired. And woozy. It's possible I'm coming down with something. Blech.

* I always feel the need to explain: we did not de-claw her. I feel very strongly that de-clawing a cat is animal abuse and I would never EVER have one of my cats go through that. I think every vet everywhere who de-claws a cat should have their nails pulled out very slowly. But the person who had Kitty before us didn't feel that way. Such is life.

ps. I feel I'm on a streak of kinda lame Blips. Sincere apologies if you are expecting more from me. Such is life as well.

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