Cheeky Chappie

Spent the entire morning editing yesterday's villa photos. I don't feel particularly inspired by them...I hope they're OK!  
Looked after Sol this afternoon,  at one point he had the duster & Asha had her toy hoover - felt like I was employing child labour! Added an extra of them...I had this snap as my main though as I liked the cheeky look on Sol's face, ready to do the naughty thing of yanking Asha's hair...
People over for dinner tonight...felt too hot to cook!

Also, got an email via the newspaper, from someone who'd like to help the Roma! They read our piece and contacted the editor!

Today I'm grateful for; 
1) Finishing part 1 of the Villa photos.
2) Fun with Sol - I'll miss that boy when they leave.
3) The email from the paper...who knows what this person might be able to do, what contacts they'll come with, etc etc... At least it's one more person pro the Roma in Sa Penya! 

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