Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Red Peony growing in the Church garden.

The weather has turned Wintry, all in the space of a few hours.
I wrapped up warmly and did some weeding alongside the school wall as many thistles and grasses of various kinds had made the area look unkempt. It was hard work but worth it as it looked clean and cared for afterwards. I completed the job in about an hour, in a strong cold wind and then took a few photos of the lilac, peonies and Fatsia plant.
My very favourite fragrance is Gardenia, and I have sent off for a roll on Gardenia I found on Amazon. I am fitting my tasks around reading, and the Chelsea flower show on the BBC. I will probably not visit it in person, so the televised shows are a great joy to me.
The extras show my lovely old orange flowering cactus, and an abstract  editing of my twelve year old Joseph's Coat.

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